Backslash worked! Thanks, again.


On Sep 20, 2014, at 3:13 PM, Petko Yotov <> wrote:

> Try inserting a backslash before $GUIButtonDirUrlFmt:
>  <img src='\$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/mybuttonicon.png' onclick='MyFunc()'/>
> If that doesn't work, use the full url of your picture:
>  <img src='' 
> onclick='MyFunc()'/>
> Petko
> On 20.09.2014 21:46, Randy Brown wrote:
>> This works., thank you!
>> One problem: The img code you suggested doesn't find my icon. If I use
>> both buttons, my previous code's button shows its icon, while the new
>> code shows an icon-not-found image. Perhaps this is related to doing
>> this outside of SDVA? I don't know how to fix it.
>> Randy
>> On Sep 19, 2014, at 6:38 PM, Petko Yotov <> wrote:
>>> See the page and the 
>>> last button there "Test JS".
>>> You can insert any HTML in the GUI Edit toolbar. If the fourth element of 
>>> the array starts with "<", it is inserted as-is, without relying on the 
>>> function insButton().
>>> So, we define the button in a local config file:
>>> $GUIButtons['test-js'] = array(5000, '', '', 'Test-JS',
>>> "<input type='button' name='b1' value='Test JS' onclick='MyFunc()' />");
>>> instead of "<input..." you can have "<img 
>>> src='$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/mybuttonicon.png' title='DoXYZ' 
>>> onclick='MyFunc()'/>" . The onclick part is important, when a user clicks 
>>> on the button, it will fire your custom function.
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