On Thu, Jan 18, 2007 at 02:59:19PM -0600, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> "Who uses [[<<]] and why?":  [...]  If we get
> rid of [[<<]], we almost certainly need something to replace it.

Just to avoid a panic:  

Anytime I say something like "if we get rid of X in favor of Y", 
I don't mean that we will completely and abruptly remove X in
favor of Y in a way that breaks existing sites in the process.
To me, "get rid of X" simply means that we'll start the process
of migrating things to Y, but continue supporting X for the
time being and provide tools/mechanisms to simplify the

So, in the case of [[<<]], if a new syntax is identified we'd simply
introduce the new syntax, but leave the old [[<<]] syntax enabled
for a while.  After sites have had a chance to convert pages to
no longer use [[<<]], we'd move it to be an optional markup
in the transitions.php script.

My other comments about leading spaces, spaces in pagenames,
and other items that appear should generally be read the same way--
if a proposed change could break an existing site, I generally
mean that we'll set the change as a target goal and then start
taking steps to reach the goal but with minimal disruptions to
existing sites.


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