I love that idea, and have often missed results because they are way 
down the list of results.

How about taking that another step, and adding a mechanism to *order* 
the groups that are returned. Perhaps by if the pagelist specifies a 
groups then they are ordered first, followed by other groups in the 
normal order.

  ~ ~ Dave

Sandy wrote:
> Something that keeps annoying me. Minor, but recurring, and the fix is 
> equally minor.
> When I search for a word, 9 times out of 10 I want only the groups 
> PmWiki and Cookbook. CookbookV1, various profiles, Main, Site, PITS, the 
> different translations just use up space before what I really want. I 
> hate to think what it's like for someone just starting out. Go down the 
> search page and the first title that looks right is from CookbookV1.
> So, my suggestion is a second search box up in the right that is limited 
> to the most "authoritative" groups only.
> Sandy
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