Reply to Hans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07-03-05 23:30:

>How did you get on with the PmWiki/DocumentationIndex?
>Is this page helpful for a start? As a guide perhaps even to read some
>pages linearly? The documentation pages have also got wiki trail links,
>with which you can go from page to page, in the order of the links on
>the DocumentationIndex page.

Personally I would like to learn a bit more about the internals 
of how PmWiki works (so I could understand enough to make 
something myself). What I usually do when I do something like 
this I try to find some PDF that have a good overview/tutorial 
of the subject, print it and read it off-line. I haven't found 
this for PmWiki (perhaps I've missed something) and this 
together with a general lack of time has prevented me to do anything.


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