On 3/15/07, David Spitzley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David
> >>> "Ben Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 03/15/07 5:04 PM >>>
> What is the "require" call you are making to activate the map? It
> should be something like:
> require_once("path/to/cookbook/GoogleMapAPI/GoogleMapAPI.php");
> ----------------
> That's not what I'm talking about.  Prior to the current incarnation of the 
> API,
> dating back to around version 1.2, there was a modification required at the 
> bottom of
> the skin template that was substantially different in character from the 
> current
> <!--HTMLFooter--> tag; it was required in order to get the javascript to kick 
> in
> back at v1.2, and I eliminated it when I upgraded to prerelease 6 earlier 
> today.

I understand what you're saying now. What do you get when you dump
$HTMLFooterFmt? I mean, after line 340 of GoogleMapAPI.php, add the

print "<pre>".print_r($HTMLFooterFmt, 1)."</pre>";

Also, what version of PmWiki? It is possible that you are running a
version of PmWiki before <!--HTMLFooter--> was implemented. Thus,
regardless of whether $HTMLFooterFmt were being properly populated, if
you were running an earlier version of PmWiki, it would be inert. This
feature was implemented in PmWiki-2.2.0 beta series. Perhaps I should
populate a $GmaFooterFmt to allow you to access the same data if
you're not at 2.2.0 and are not prepared to migrate.

If you want to try that option, then this may get you "on your feet" sooner:

At line 41, add (conceals variable when not-in-use):

  $GmaFooterFmt = '';

At line 322, change:

  $HTMLFooterFmt[] =<<<GMASCRIPT


  $HTMLFooterFmt['gma'] =<<<GMASCRIPT

At line 340 add:

    global $GmaFooterFmt;
    $GmaFooterFmt = $HTMLFooterFmt['gma'];

I presently have the code in Subversion, but it's not ready for public
access. Let me know if either option helps. Sorry for the headaches.

Ben Wilson
"Words are the only thing which will last forever" --- Churchill

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