On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 01:08:30PM -0400, Ben Wilson wrote:
> On 3/15/07, David Spitzley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I understand what you're saying now. What do you get when you dump
> $HTMLFooterFmt? I mean, after line 340 of GoogleMapAPI.php, add the
> following:
> print "<pre>".print_r($HTMLFooterFmt, 1)."</pre>";
> Also, what version of PmWiki? It is possible that you are running a
> version of PmWiki before <!--HTMLFooter--> was implemented. Thus,
> regardless of whether $HTMLFooterFmt were being properly populated, if
> you were running an earlier version of PmWiki, it would be inert. This
> feature was implemented in PmWiki-2.2.0 beta series. 

$HTMLFooter was introduced in 2.1.25.


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