I have manually transferred my personal website from TikiWiki-based [1] to 
PmWiki-based, but the TikiWiki-based intranet website I admin at work is much 

The main TikiWiki capabilities other than the wiki we used were file/image 
galleries and FAQs. Those I simply accept will have to be migrated by hand; and 
I will have to manually deal with the couple dozen TikiWiki "plugins" I wrote 
-- similar to user-written (:functions:) in PmWiki.

However, I was hoping someone out there had written something that could 
automatically translate standard TikiWiki wiki markup into standard PmWiki 

I am assuming I will have to manually extract the page source (e.g. copy it out 
of the edit form) from TikiWiki since the page source is kept in a MySQL 
database; but if someone has something that extracts each page source directly 
from the database and creates a PmWiki page source file, that would be really 


[1] http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Home

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Whenever a theory appears to you as the only possible one,
take this as a sign that you have neither understood the theory
nor the problem which it was intended to solve. -- Karl Popper
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