On Fri, May 18, 2007 01:34, IchBin wrote:
>>> The Cookbook has several instances of multiple approaches. This is
>>> redundancy in the best sense -- multiple solutions from multiple
>>> perspectives, so the user can pick the best match for their particular
>>> needs.
>>> I don't believe there was ever a JITS version that did NOT require ZAP.
>> It's also worth noting that Jiri has done a wonderful job maintaining
>> this recipe, keeping up with both PmWiki and ZAP upgrades (not an easy
>> task), providing support, and constantly adding new features--which
>> makes it an especially nice choice. I tried looking at PITS for ideas
>> long ago, when I was scoping out the development of ZAP, and found it
>> quite awkward and a bit incomprehensible.
>> Just an unsolicited plug for Jiri's issue tracking system.
>> Cheers,
>> Dan
> Don't get me wrong and hope no one takes it personal. I just wanted to
> ask those questions. I am new to pmWiki but unfortunately old having 30
> years of operating and application programming experience. Maybe I just
> tripped over my experience when I tried to asked those few questions...

I think I will speak not only for myself if I say that these questions are
more than welcomed. Though it is natural that everyone will defend present
work or his/her own view on the course taken, these questions seem very
healthy to me to uncover the dependencies / complexities / or just recipe
alternatives / advancements that are easy to be overlooked by the single
recipe developers.


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