Hi Jean-Fabrice / Patric

I experience exactly the same thing. If i use $DefaultPasswords['edit'] = 
crypt('anything'); or as well the Authuser, when i login i get directet to a 
blank page. There is no difference if i login with a wrong password or the 
right one, and there is no way to get to the editing session. What have i done 
wrong? What is missing?

I'm a php and wiki newbie, but i'm on a project, trying to show how simple and 
smart wiki can be for knowledge management on danish libraries. No reason to 
solve similar problems twice, as it seems to be the case today.


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: [EMAIL PROTECTED] på vegne af Jean-Fabrice [gmail]
Sendt: to 5/17/2007 11:35
Til: pmwiki-users@pmichaud.com
Emne: [pmwiki-users] pmwiki and 'user' php session handler (sharedanced)

Is there anything special to know about how pmwiki handle php sessions ?

I'm trying to use sharedanced, a networked php session manager
(http://sharedance.pureftpd.org/) and I'm stuck :
Since my site is read-protected, it first asks for a login/password
where the user try to access the homepage. The problem is that I just
get a blank page after validating the login form. If I then try to
open a page on the site (say Site/AllRecentChanges or whatever), it
works fine (i.e the session is ok)


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