 After some investigations, I found this error in the log : "Fatal
error: session_start(): Failed to initialize storage module: user".
Calling session_start twice when working with 'user'  set_save_handler
seems to have bad effect.

I patched my pmwiki.php (2.2.0 beta 42) with the following :
--- pmwiki.php  (revision 1098)
+++ pmwiki.php  (working copy)
@@ -1736,7 +1736,7 @@
   if (!$auth && ($called > 1 || [EMAIL PROTECTED]()])) return;

   $sid = session_id();
-  @session_start();
+  if (!$sid) @session_start();
   foreach((array)$auth as $k => $v)
     if ($k) $_SESSION[$k] = (array)$v + (array)@$_SESSION[$k];

@@ -1819,7 +1819,7 @@
   if (IsEnabled($EnablePostAttrClearSession, 1)) {
-    @session_start();
+    if (!session_id()) @session_start();
     $_SESSION['authpw'] = array();
@@ -1833,7 +1833,7 @@
   global $LogoutRedirectFmt, $LogoutCookies;
   SDV($LogoutRedirectFmt, '$FullName');
   SDV($LogoutCookies, array());
-  @session_start();
+  if (!session_id()) @session_start();
   $_SESSION = array();
   if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()]))
     setcookie(session_name(), '', time()-43200, '/');

and now it works. Patrick : do you see any bad effect with this patch ?


2007/5/18, Leif Schou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Jean-Fabrice / Patric
> I experience exactly the same thing. If i use $DefaultPasswords['edit'] = 
> crypt('anything'); or as well the Authuser, when i login i get directet to a 
> blank page. There is no difference if i login with a wrong password or the 
> right one, and there is no way to get to the editing session. What have i 
> done wrong? What is missing?
> I'm a php and wiki newbie, but i'm on a project, trying to show how simple 
> and smart wiki can be for knowledge management on danish libraries. No reason 
> to solve similar problems twice, as it seems to be the case today.
> Leif
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: [EMAIL PROTECTED] på vegne af Jean-Fabrice [gmail]
> Sendt: to 5/17/2007 11:35
> Til: pmwiki-users@pmichaud.com
> Emne: [pmwiki-users] pmwiki and 'user' php session handler (sharedanced)
> Patrick,
> Is there anything special to know about how pmwiki handle php sessions ?
> I'm trying to use sharedanced, a networked php session manager
> (http://sharedance.pureftpd.org/) and I'm stuck :
> Since my site is read-protected, it first asks for a login/password
> where the user try to access the homepage. The problem is that I just
> get a blank page after validating the login form. If I then try to
> open a page on the site (say Site/AllRecentChanges or whatever), it
> works fine (i.e the session is ok)
> Jean-Fabrice
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