In order to push 2.2.0 past beta into a stable release series, 
I'm going to write a series of short messages to the mailing
list outlining individual features or changes that are left
to be made, to invite commentary.  Each such message will
have "2.2.0:" in the subject line, as this one does.

For 2.2.0, I'm thinking that we should go ahead and
make Site.SiteHeader and Site.SiteFooter part of the
core distribution, instead of being a recipe/configuration
change as it is now.  This would mean that by default
every group would add the contents of any Site.SiteHeader
page and Site.SiteFooter page to all pages when displayed.

Making this change would not impact any sites that are
already using custom Site.SiteHeaders and Site.SiteFooters.

Comments welcomed.


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