On Sun, 17 Jun 2007, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

On Sun, Jun 17, 2007 at 08:14:47PM +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Anyway, since this can of worms is already open, I'll throw out some more
or less crazy suggestions (that may *not* be internally consistent!):

        Wiki.*  or ThisWiki.*
        - Using 'Wiki' instead of 'Site'... (sigh, probably way to late)

Yes, probably too late. Also, I don't really want to put too much stock in the word "wiki", as some sites are using PmWiki more as a web publishing tool than a traditional "wiki".

I considered that, but concluded that such a site wouldn't advertise a group such as 'Wiki' (or 'Site') anyway. Still, it's valid to say that 'wiki' is a kind of mechanism for producing the content that is irrelevant to someone only reading the site.

        $Group.PageHeader and $Group.PageFooter
        - Instead of the current $Group.GroupHeader and $Group.GroupFooter

Veto.  I've pretty consistently used the term "page header" to refer
to the header that appears at the very top of the HTML output --
i.e., it's what gets turned off when someone says (:noheader:).

*sigh* Guess even 'page' is overloaded (wiki page v.s. HTML page).

Too complex (and too many pages).

Another alternative is to introduce a convention where a single (Site.)page is used, but using different (anchored) sections from it to serve different purposes. It could work like this for a page such as 'Site.Header'.

* If none of the special anchors occur, the entire page is included
  before a $Group.GroupHeader. If special anchors occur, only content
  up to the first special anchor is included.

* A section with [[#siteheader_last]]...[[#siteheaderend_last]]
  is included after any $Group.GroupHeader

This might be way more complicated than needed, but better to mention the alternative now than later.

A better approach here would probably be to follow Jon Haupt's comment that AllGroupHeader would be a fallback for when GroupHeader doesn't exist, instead of always appearing. Then a local GroupHeader would be able to completely control the loading of Site.AllGroupHeader.

Either way works. I'm used to having a 'Site.SiteHeader' as well as $Group.GroupHeader in some/most of the groups.

Actally, 'Site.SiteHeader' could just by default contain

        (:include {$Group}.GroupHeader :)

and there doesn't have to be a special mechanism for looking for $Group.GroupHeader. OTOH, then a $Group.GroupHeader cannot disable 'Site.SiteHeader', which may - or may not - be desireable.

Guess it's impossible to guess what will be used and we should make sure all possibilities can be used.


        - to be used if a group has no 'GroupHeader'

This has some merit, instead of AllGroupHeader.


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr
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