On 6/15/07, Scott Connard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- "Patrick R. Michaud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > For 2.2.0, I'm thinking that we should go ahead and
> > make Site.SiteHeader and Site.SiteFooter part of the
> > core distribution, instead of being a
> > recipe/configuration change as it is now.
> I vote for Site.SiteHeader.  And I definitely think we need a way to
> turn it off when we need to for a specific page or a specific group.
> And I think that it shouldn't be tied to (:nogroupheader:).  When you
> use a SiteHeader for all of your groups except one group that needs a
> GroupHeader without the SiteHeader, it's much nicer to have a
> (:nositeheader:) rather than conditional code in the SiteHeader.

I agree with this, except maybe call it the page SitewideHeader to
make it more self-evident what the page does.

To me, the tricky part is coming up with a better name for
(:nositeheader:) since Pm doesn't like that name (or is it the concept
he's opposed to?).  (:nositewideheader:) is long, but at least that
name makes it pretty obvious what's intended.

Having the SitewideHeader content disappear when a GroupHeader page is
created would seem to violate the principle of least surprise.  I'd
prefer to be able to explicitly suppress it with a
(:nositewideheader:) directive in the GroupHeader page.

To clarify: I'm for the concept Scott suggests, not necessarily the
page and directive names.  The sitewide header and footer content
should display unless suppressed by a directive.  That keeps it


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