I sent this question May 26th, still no answer.

has anyone else gotten AuthList to work?
Perhaps my expectations are wrong... the results returns
the list of protected page alright, but the read and edit
passwords are not displayed... we only see four **** in each field
where we were expecting to view the actual passwords displayed.

The idea being: if one created a new group and wanted to
set attributes that were the same as another, one would
go to this page which serves as a "mini-dbase" of all
current permissions settings, one "record" per group or
page with attributes set... there you could see exactly
what passwords were set for another group and just copy
those to the new group.  but if **** is all you see, it does
not get you much, other than you have quick access to
those page or group attribute settings.

Perhaps this was how it was meant to work? But
I was expecting to see all passwords display in the clear.


Here is a sample of what we get.

------- mydomain.org/field_directory/Site/AuthList


This page displays the permissions settings for pages that have
permissions set.
Fields that say "(protected)" mean that you may need to log in
(e.g., with an administrative password) in order to view them.


(attr) :
edit    (set by group) @lock
attr    (set by group) @lock
upload          (set by site) ****

(attr) :
read    ****
edit    ****
attr    (set by group) @lock
upload          (set by site) ****


(attr) :
read    ****
edit    ****
attr    (set by group) @lock
upload          (set by site) ****

(attr) :
read    ****
edit    ****
attr    (set by group) @lock
upload          (set by site) ****


(attr) :
read    ****
edit    ****
attr    (set by group) @lock
upload          (set by site) ****


Sivakatirswami wrote:
> Sivakatirswami wrote:
>> Aloha, Patrick:
>> Thanks for including this in the core.
>> 1) I upgraded 2) went to Site.AuthList 3) All we we are  ******
>> everywhere. 4) click to login 5) enter the "topmost" password  that I
>> have set for the site... in farmconfig.php
>> $DefaultPasswords['admin'] ='$1$px1OwiFE***** (etc)
>> instead of re-rendering the page with visible passwords, PMwiki drops
>> me back into the login form.
>> should AuthUser.php be installed for this to work (I never installed 
>> AuthUser.php but can and probably will)
> Further more... on another field in the same farm  I enter the admin
> password and in this field it lets me in but I see the following... what
> does [EMAIL PROTECTED] mean? I don't have AuthUser.php on the wiki and I 
> never set
> up any @UserGroups
> ---------------
> This page displays the permissions settings for pages that have
> permissions set. Fields that say "(protected)" mean that you may need to
> log in (e.g., with an administrative password) in order to view them.
> Site:
> Site.GroupAttributes
> (view)
> (attr) :
> read  
> edit  @lock
> attr  @lock
> upload        
> Site.AuthList
> (view)
> (attr) :
> read  @lock
> edit  (set by group) @lock
> attr  (set by group) @lock
> upload        (using read password)
> Site.AuthUser
> (view)
> (attr) :
> read  
> edit  @lock
> attr  @lock
> upload        
> Site.SideBar
> (view)
> (attr) :
> read  
> edit  ****
> attr  (set by group) @lock
> upload        
> Displayed 3 pages.

Om shanti
(In  Peace)


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