Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 20, 2007 at 09:52:13AM -1000, Sivakatirswami wrote:
>> has anyone else gotten AuthList to work?
>> Perhaps my expectations are wrong... the results returns
>> the list of protected page alright, but the read and edit
>> passwords are not displayed... we only see four **** in each field
>> where we were expecting to view the actual passwords displayed.
> PmWiki doesn't have the cleartext passwords anywhere -- it
> only stores encrypted versions.  AuthList is primarily intended
> to indicate what pages and groups have restrictions set upon
> them, but it doesn't provide a way to recover passwords
> (because PmWiki itself doesn't have a way to recover the cleartext).
> Pm

I see, hmmm, makes sense, you don't want to open a hole
to hack out passwords as clear text. OK understood, that
could be a serious problem. So, you just keep that door shut.

So then, obviously, admin is left with the manual task
of tracking the passwords for each group and which users
  have been given those passwords.

I would be interested in how other admins do this or if there
are any "best practices" recommendations...

A simple text file on one's own box?
A protected page on the wiki?


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