> for those who want to speed up PmWiki with static caching and
> mod_rewrite, I've set up a feature request on Pits.

I am also very interested in reducing the response time of a wikifield
that contains several thousands of pages and makes intensive use of
(:pagelist:) and (:include:).

I currently use

$PageCacheDir         = 'PageCache.d';
$PageListCacheDir    = 'PageListCache.d';
$EnableHTMLCache  = 1;
$EnableIMSCaching  = 1;

The pages are cached the first time they are requested, and the cache
is updated whenever there is a change in an incuded file (php
customization) or in a page (which could be included or contain

In order to further limit the cache updates, I redefined the "lastmod"
file location for the groups that do not change often so that their
cached pages remain if there is a change in another group.

I am not sure I understand how the mod_rewrite option could work with
PmWiki to update the cache pages: if a page is cached (ie is found in
the cache directory), then PmWiki would not be started at all (which
is the whole point), but then will never generate an udated version of
the page if there are changes in the wiki that impact the content of a
page (change in the skin, GroupHeader/Footer, etc.).

The (:static-cache on/off:) markups would also need to be associated
with an action that would force a complete regeneration of the cached
pages .

Unless all cache files are deleted somehow every time there is a change ?

Could you please explain how this is handled on your server ?

Thank you in anticipaton.


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