
Christophe David wrote:
> I wonder how to define the dependencies adequately, as there are so
> many things that can impact a page...  In particular,
> PageTextVariables changes seem to be extremely difficult to track
> efficiently...
Yes. That's why deleting *all* cached pages after an edit/new action 
should do the trick.
My suggestions/wishlist was merely motivated by a certain kind of usage 
case, which is:

* one author (very infrequent updates)
* many readers (frequent reads)

This allows the deletion of the whole cache every time *something* has 
changed. It's probably best, just to forget everything I said about 
dependencies, because this will only introduce complexity.
> Do you have some kind of measures that show the actual benefit of
> using mod-rewrite against letting the built-in PmWiki caching do its
> job ?
As I am not the author/ initiator of the aggressive static cache idea, I 
am not able to give you any information about how it works.
> Is the gain really worth the extra complexity ?
There is no extra complexity, when you just delete *every* cached page 
after an edit/delete action was executed. Nevertheless, in some cases it 
might be helpful to delete cached pages of *one* group only (for example).


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