Maria McKinley wrote:
> On 8/28/07, Guillermo Calderon - INCO <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Maria McKinley wrote:
>>  It would be great if they could create the
>>>directory that includes all of these customizations in their own home
>>>directory, and the web server reads these, but creates the wiki files
>>>on the web server itself. Has anyone else tried to do this or have any
>>>ideas on how this might be done?
>>In fact, the directory where wiki files reside is customizable.
>>In config.php:
>>       $WikiDir = new PageStore('<my own path>/{$FullName}');
>>The following links can be useful:
> This worked, mostly, thanks again. I now get an error:
> PmWiki needs to have a writable Object/ directory before it can continue.
> I don't know how to tell it to look for this Object directory
> elsewhere. I have the WikiDir, WorkDir, and WikiLibDirs pointing in
> the new directory, but don't find anything about an Object directory.

"Object" is not the name of a directory.
Php writes "Object" when an object is sent to the output.

$WikiDir is an object of the class PageStore
$WorkDir is a string

Perhaps you interchange these variables in some place. ($WikiDir is 
used when $WorkDir is expected)

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