On 9/5/07, Maria McKinley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This makes sense. I am sure I did not assign variables correctly, as
> it was not clear to me from the instructions exactly how to do this. I
> am trying to get pmwiki to look in a different directory
> (/var/www/wikifarm/maria) for everything it would normally find in
> wiki.d/. Could someone show me how to do this properly? This is what I
> currently have that isn't working:
> $WikiDir = new PageStore('/var/www/wikifarm/maria/');
> $WorkDir = new PageStore('/var/www/wikifarm/maria/');
> $WikiLibDirs = array(&$WikiDir);

$WorkDir should be a string, not a PageStore. Also the trailing slash
shouldn't be there.

The first variable given to the PageStore creator function should be a
string that when passed to FmtPageName gives the page's location;
you're missing any variable such as $FullName that'll identify the
page itself.

It might also be useful to have a common directory to look in for the
default pages, PmWiki help and such; this is wikilib.d/ in the
standard distro. Without the iswrite parameter being set, that
PageStore won't be user-writable either -- editing and saving pages
from that PageStore will write to WikiDir instead.

So, try the following:

$WorkDir = '/var/www/wikifarm/maria';
$WikiDir = new PageStore('/var/www/wikifarm/maria/{$FullName}');
$WikiSharedDir = new PageStore('/var/www/wikifarm/shared/{$FullName}');
$WikiLibDirs = array( &$WikiDir, &$WikiSharedDir );


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