Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 06, 2007 at 02:39:38AM -0500, Stirling Westrup wrote:
>> I've got a PmWiki website that I also use as a personal information manager.
>> Right now I'm not using AuthUser, since there's only two classes of access:
>> public and private.
>> Now, I've been thinking of putting up some content that I want to limit to a
>> few close friends. Rather than going the full AuthUser route, I'd like to 
>> just
>> introduce some passwords that would give varying degrees of access to the
>> internals. As such, I would have group passwords, but no usernames. Such a
>> scheme might look like:
>> $DefaultPasswords['@personal']  = crypt("JustMePassword");
>> $DefaultPasswords['@intimates'] = crypt("VeryCloseFriendsPassword");
>> $DefaultPasswords['@friends']   = crypt("FriendsPassword");
>> $DefaultPasswords['@prerelease']= crypt("AlmostPublicPassword");
> Yes, except that $DefaultPasswords is normally tied to actions and
> not to accounts...
> I think you can get what you want by doing something like:
>   if (@$_POST['authpw']) {
>     $AuthGroupPasswords = array(
>       '@personal' => crypt("JustMePassword"),
>       '@intimates' => crypt("VeryCloseFriendsPassword"),
>       '@friends' => crypt("FriendsPassword"),
>       '@prerelease' => crypt("AlmostPublicPassword"));
>     #  loop through all of the group/password combinations, setting
>     #  $authlist[group] to 1 for any matches
>     foreach($AuthGroupPasswords as $g => $pw) {
>       if (crypt($_POST['authpw'], $pw) == $pw) 
>         $authlist[$g] = 1;
>     }
>     #  if we had any matches, then authorize the group for this session.
>     if ($authlist) SessionAuth($pagename, array('authlist'=>$authlist));
>   }
> I haven't tested the above, but it should be fairly close.
It doesn't work as-is. I tried a few things, but no dice. I guess I'll have to
wait until I have time to puzzle through the PmWikiAuth function to figure out
whats gone wrong.

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