ThomasP wrote:
On Sun, December 9, 2007 2:52 am, Dean Staub wrote:
First, Thank you Thomas for your work on the new module. It is a huge
improvement over the former system - well done.

I do however have a few small problems that I need to get to the bottom
of. I have for example the latest version of ZAP installed and I can't
get it to work.
It says "You are not authorized to submit this form." and the test
button function does nothing. How do I get around this?

Another issue is I can't seem to access the Attribute pages when I am
logged in as Admin. I understand this is not usually necessary, but in
the case of Zap which adds a privilege to the attributes page I cant set
it to no password (or clear it) This may have come from previous
settings in the Attributes pages prior to installing your module.

Hi, thanks.

I remember to have scrapped the "attr" level altogether (since no
attribute pages had sense in my module), but one can simply reintroduce it
as the the pure editing of the attribute pages will have no adverse effect
on the functioning of module. One will have to establish some action-level
mapping like

attr => admin

(if you have a single admin setup), or rather something more elaborate
otherwise (unless you want every admin to access attribute pages).

The form submitting in ZAP will demand some more effort, as I have not
used it myself before. A good starting point is to download the debug
function from my profile page and use the built-in logging calls to look
at what privilege is actually requested and denied. I can walk you through
this in case you come across a stumbling stone.

More or less the following:

- download debug.php, put in cookbook dir
- activate it in the local/config.php
- set as the event that you want to observe "USAU"
- go to the TryAccessingPage() in userauth2.php and uncomment every
logging that might be interesting
- sprinkle the code (after the append calls) with flushUA2ErrorLog()
calls. [This would have usually been cared for by an exit handler.]

I'm sure that this will lead us to the right info.


pmwiki-users mailing list

Hi Thomas, thanks for your response.

I have found some time to follow your instructions above.
The results of your debug output are as follows for the error accessing a zap function;

2007-12-12 09:18:56 EST USAU Someone trying to access page Site.ZAPConfig at level read.
2007-12-12 09:18:56 EST  USAU  Site.ZAPConfig is a content page: yes
2007-12-12 09:18:56 EST USAU Access to Site.ZAPConfig at level read granted.
2007-12-12 09:19:22 EST USAU Warning: Someone asking for permission for unknown level 'zap'. Refused.

and for accessing the attribute page I get;
2007-12-12 09:49:16 EST USAU Someone trying to access page Site.ZAPConfig at level attr.
2007-12-12 09:49:16 EST  USAU  Site.ZAPConfig is a content page: yes
2007-12-12 09:49:17 EST USAU Access to Site.ZAPConfig at level attr NOT granted. 2007-12-12 09:49:17 EST USAU Current cache utilization: 26 perm queries, 0 user recs, 1 group recs, 0 ip range recs. 2007-12-12 09:49:17 EST USAU In total 1 uncached perm record loads, 1 uncached perm queries.

I'm sorry, I am no expert at php, just a bit of a hacker, otherwise I would invest some time into trying to solve it myself.

(I have a single admin setup)

If you could lead me in the right direction here, I would be most greatful to test any ideas you have.

Also just a note about your Debug.php script, I had to also add the line $EnableDebug = 1; for it to work (I didn't see it mentioned on your profile page :-) )


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