Hans wrote:
Sunday, July 12, 2009, 4:30:48 PM, Ed W wrote:

The reason this matters is that I am using a different on disk pattern
for filenames, and so while the default wiki doesn't care about the different between [[PmWiki Philosophy]] and [[PmWikiPhilosphy]], my system does and at present the docs are significantly broken because of
the inconsistent use of both

Maybe you can call it inconsistent use of spaces
(and words beginning with a capital letter),
but it is a feature of PmWiki to allow this flexibility
in link markup, and could not be called exceptions.

If you use different $MakePageNamePatterns, can you not
make an exemption and use PmWiki's standard for all
pages in the PmWiki group, rather than asking to change
all of the documentation pages to adhere to a standard
which PmWiki does not uphold?

You are arguing circularly. The very flexibility which PmWiki offers is why the ambiguity needs sorting.

Basically *because* you have the flexibility to override $MakePageNamePatterns, it's then important to be consistent between "PmWiki" and "Pm Wiki" since both may point to different pages if people make use of this flexibility

Additionally arguing not to define the correct answer is just arguing in favour of ambiguity for the sake of it. Defining "PmWiki" to be correct and "Pm Wiki" to be inconsistent should hurt no-one?

Finally it DOES matter for people who turn on the $SpaceWikiWords because it leads to inconsistent presentation. Defining a consistent set of words not to space will give greater consistency with this option turned on or off

I hope this sounds reasonable?

Ed W
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