On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 14:50:29 -0900, Sean M. Burke wrote:
>At 2/19/2003 01:46 PM +0100, Mark Overmeer wrote:
>>What does bother me is that POD is visual markup instead of logical
>>markup; the difference between HTML's  <I> and <EM>, <B> and
>It is a common notion (which you may or may not be demonstrating
>here) that
>semanticity is binary: either a markup language is either semantic
>(logical) or visual.  That is a fallacy.
>It is more accurate to say that a markup language can be semantic,
>or can
>be visual, with lots of grey areas inbetween.  That too is a
>fallacy.  A
>language can be entirely semantic, yet fail to express whole
>dimensions of
>that distinctions that you consider worth expressing.
>In any case, maybe it would help if I put into perlpodspec the
>things I've been implementing in Pod::Simple, so that you can use
>them.  I
>suppose it might help if you could define code for methodnames,
>arguments, etc.

Smells like JavDoc to me. Not necessarily a bad thing.

>Sean M. Burke  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://search.cpan.org/~sburke/

Matthew O. Persico

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