This Pod:


    =item 1 Item 1

    =item 2 Item 2


Yields this output from Pod::Simple:

    % perldoc -MPod::Simple::XHTML list.pod

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />

    <h1 id="Title">Title</h1>


    <dt>1 Item 1</dt>

    <dt>2 Item 2</dt>



A definition list isn't what I would expect. If I use an asterisk instead of 
numbers (e.g., `=item * some text`), I'd get an unordered list. So why 
shouldn't `=item 1 some text` give me an ordered list? FWIW, pod2html does.

So should `item 1 some text` be an ordered list item, as suggested output by 
pod2html, or a definition list as currently implemented by Pod::Simple? I think 
the former.




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