On 07/22/2010 02:12 PM, David E. Wheeler wrote:
On Jul 22, 2010, at 2:38 PM, Russ Allbery wrote:
That's not because "=item * Stuff" is being specially recognized. That's
because "=item <anything>" where <anything> isn't a bullet or a number
produces an unordered list. perlpodspec does say that, although I admit I
had to read it a couple of times.
Hooboy, join the club. I wrote that stuff /so I could forget it/. I
think. I forgot.
No, by my reading, “"=item <anything>" where <anything> isn't a bullet or a
number” should be a definition list item.
To cut short an agonizingly long story, please have it be something like:
<dt style="margin-left: 1em">
Basically: the default rendering of <dt> snaps the text /completely/
back to the margin that our "=over" means for us to be getting away from.
That style="..." value stops it from doing that.
Ideally it'd be in a brilliant-pod.css whose artisanal value for dt
would be merely one facet of a gem of typographical perfection, but, uh...
I say jump into Pod/Simple/HTML.pm, strike
and go up and add
'item-text' => '<dt style="margin-left: .5em">',
'/item-text' => '</dt>',
and run! Run like there's zombies chasing you, zombies made out of SGML!