On 05/04/2011 09:03 AM, David E. Wheeler wrote:
On Jul 21, 2010, at 5:34 AM, Sean M. Burke wrote:

Oh crap! I thought I fixed this years ago!
Namely, I thought I had replaced the innards of pod2man and pod2html with 
something that used Pod::Simple, since Pod::Simple is The Way, and that all 
other parsing would be a difficult and confusing duplication of already 
difficult and confusing effort, etc.

Hey Sean,

Do you have any code for this lying around somewhere? Might help Marc Green, 
our Google Summer of Code student, to get started on porting the Perl core Pod 
tools from Pod::Parser to Pod::Simpleā€¦

OK, found it,... I'm trying to make sure there isn't any MORE of it lying around elsewhere, but I think I got it all.


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