On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 5:06 PM, Karl Williamson
<pub...@khwilliamson.com> wrote:
> Version 1.50 of Pod::Parser adds a check and message indicating that
> L<text|hyperlink> is deprecated.  This is based on the following sentences
> in perlpodspec, which has been there since its inception in 2001:
> "Authors wanting to link to a particular (absolute) URL, must do so
> only with "LE<lt>scheme:...>" codes (like
> LE<lt>http://www.perl.org>), and must not attempt "LE<lt>Some Site
> Name|scheme:...>" codes.  This restriction avoids many problems
> in parsing and rendering LE<lt>...> codes."
> Elsewhere in the document, it says that the handler should handle these, as
> in the example
>  L<Perl.org|http://www.perl.org/>
> The new Pod:Parser has just been installed in blead, and about 10 pods run
> afoul of this new check, including things like
> L<perl...@perl.org|mailto:perl...@perl.org>
> My question is should there really be a message for this kind of use, and if
> so, should it extend to mailto: links?

The problem of us treating manpages as our designated documentation
medium strikes us once again. IMO, it's time for perl's documentation
to enter the 21st century and accept that hypertext has taken over.
This kind of trouble keeps popping up (think of the lack of tables or
proper support for images).

I'm fine with reading my documentation on the console (I do it
regularly), but by targeting the lowest common denominator we're
cutting ourselves short.


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