Leon Timmermans <faw...@gmail.com> writes:

> The problem of us treating manpages as our designated documentation
> medium strikes us once again. IMO, it's time for perl's documentation to
> enter the 21st century and accept that hypertext has taken over.  This
> kind of trouble keeps popping up (think of the lack of tables or proper
> support for images).

> I'm fine with reading my documentation on the console (I do it
> regularly), but by targeting the lowest common denominator we're cutting
> ourselves short.

Your rant against man pages is somewhat undermined by the fact that I, as
maintainer of Pod::Man, have supported anchor text for URL L<> links from
the beginning and opposed this restriction from the start.

The restriction has nothing to do with targetting man pages.

Russ Allbery (r...@stanford.edu)             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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