2009/7/22 Trevor Kaufman <enda...@gmail.com>:
> Margins.. Most PDFs I've seen leave some space between the edge of the
> "body" text and the edge of the page. This space I will call a margin
> ( I don't know if there is an official PDF term..). I'd like to figure
> out the width of the margins. As far as I can tell, there is no
> PdfPage.GetMargins() and the quick look through I did on the PDF spec
> didn't seem to mention any margins as I have defined them. The PDFs I
> want to work with with either have a bunch of body text, or be a slide
> (power point, etc) converted to PDF. I'd like to be able to find the
> size of the margins in order to draw inside them.

You can use ghostscript (gs -sDEVICE=bbox) to get the bbox of the
non-white area. Leonard has explained the idea of "margins" in PDF.

> Fonts. I did a quick modification to the concept of the hello world
> example that takes an existing PDF and adds some text to it. The size
> of the PDF file tripled for a short line of text. I am assuming this
> is because I embedded a new font when I added the text. If this is not
> true... maybe this doesn't matter so much. Anyways, is there a way to
> get the font(s) that are already embedded in a existing PDF and reuse
> them?

If you intend to use a lot of of fonts (or want to include pdfs with
fonts), you should look at pdftex/luatex. We've spent years on getting
subsetting etc. right, especially with included pdfs.


PS: I'm not dissing PoDoFo - these are simply areas where other
    applications already deliver what's needed.

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