There may be an issue in v0.7.0 of the library (sorry - don't have a trunk 
version from SVN currently, so unable to check that). 

There's a PDF on which is a copy of ISO Standard 32000: Portable 
Document Format. When the document is read with PoDoFo on Windows an error is 

Could well be a problem with the document itself, but given the status of the 
document users are likely to assume the document is correct.

Here's a stack trace for source of the exception:

_CxxThrowException(void * pExceptionObject=0x1127e098, const _s__ThrowInfo * 
pThrowInfo=0x012ef488)  Line 161   C++
PoDoFo::PdfTokenizer::GetNextNumber()  Line 301 C++
PoDoFo::PdfParserObject::ReadObjectNumber()  Line 92 + 0xb bytes        C++
PoDoFo::PdfParserObject::ParseFile(PoDoFo::PdfEncrypt * pEncrypt=0x00000000, 
bool bIsTrailer=false)  Line 131   C++
PoDoFo::PdfParser::ReadObjectsInternal()  Line 947      C++
PoDoFo::PdfParser::ReadObjects()  Line 930      C++
PoDoFo::PdfParser::ParseFile(const PoDoFo::PdfRefCountedInputDevice & 
rDevice={...}, bool bLoadOnDemand=true)  Line 191 + 0x8 bytes     C++
PoDoFo::PdfParser::ParseFile(const wchar_t * pszFilename=0x03825600, bool 
bLoadOnDemand=true)  Line 155 C++
PoDoFo::PdfParser::PdfParser(PoDoFo::PdfVecObjects * pVecObjects=0x09014300, 
const wchar_t * pszFilename=0x03825600, bool bLoadOnDemand=true)  Line 72  C++
PoDoFo::PdfMemDocument::Load(const wchar_t * pszFilename=0x03825600)  Line 160 
+ 0x3d bytes     C++
PoDoFo::PdfMemDocument::PdfMemDocument(const wchar_t * pszFilename=0x03825600)  
Line 74 C++


Mark Rogers -
PowerMapper Software Ltd - 
Registered in Scotland No 362274 30-31 Queen Street Edinburgh
Phone +44 845 056 8475

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