Hello PoDoFo Community,

     I am having difficulty understanding why PDF forms created and
populated with podofo do not work in Adobe Reader as desired.  I wrote
code to create a one page PDF with one form field and set text on it.
The text is clearly in the form (when viewed with PoDoFoBrowser 0.5
(win32)).  Yet when I open the PDF in Adobe Reader (9.2.0, win32), the
field appears empty.  When I click on the text field my value is
visible.  When I click off of the field, my value disappears.  (My
code is below)

     I'm using the latest podofo from svn (rev 1199, checked out this
morning), and the PDF 1.3 spec from Adobe's web site [1].  I studied
the sample code in "podofo/test/FormTest" [2].  I skimmed most of the
PDF reference manual, and intently read (twice) section 7.6,
"Interactive Forms".

    My ultimate goal is to write a routine that will read a third
party PDF (with a form on it), fill in the fields and save the form.
At a later time a user would then load the form into and further edit
it, email it and/or print it.  When I failed to get this to work with
the desired forms (US / IRS tax form "941" [3]), I created a small app
to build a custom PDF with a simplified form.  I get the same results
with both forms.

    I've viewed both forms inside PoDoFoBrowser.  Some annotation
elements have different attributes, but they are essentially the same.

    I have three theories:

a) It is simply not possible to construct a PDF form with data
pre-populated using "PdfTextField.SetText()".

b) I'm doing something wrong.

c) I need to set some additional attributes or values in the
annotation element, or its parent object, or in the document object

    At this time I can see only one possible hack:  To read the form
field's "rects" and create a text overlay in the same position.  This
is indeed a hack as this will prevent the user from properly editing
the form at a later time (prior to them printing or otherwise using

    Although I am using PoDoFoBrowser and Adobe Reader on win32, I am
doing my development on Gentoo Linux.  This, hopefully, does not

    I would very much appreciate any suggestions, assistance, etc...
If it would be helpful, I can post the "stuff" that PoDoFoBrowser
shows inside the forms.  However, it is fairly easy to download the
"941" form and view it directly.

    Thank you for your time.

[1] http://www.adobe.com/devnet/pdf/pdfs/PDFReference13.pdf


[3] http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f941.pdf

// "main()", "#include" and original error handling omitted for brevity.
// "HelloWorld" line shamelessly stolen from the PoDoFo online example.

void     RunPdfTest (const char *filename)
    PdfStreamedDocument doc (filename);
    PdfPage *pPage = doc.CreatePage (PdfPage::CreateStandardPageSize

    PdfPainter painter;
    painter.SetPage (pPage);
    PdfFont *pFont = doc.CreateFont ("Arial");
    pFont->SetFontSize (18.0);
    painter.SetFont (pFont);
    painter.DrawText (56.69, pPage->GetPageSize().GetHeight() - 56.69,
"Hello World!" );

    PdfTextField text (pPage, PdfRect (100, 200, 300, 400), &doc);
    text.SetFieldName ("text-field");
    text.SetText ("test");
    text.SetMultiLine (false);

    painter.FinishPage ();

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