
Thanks for your very good problem description.

Please try to enable the line below in PdfAcroForm::Init ():

    m_pObject->GetDictionary().AddKey( PdfName("NeedAppearances"), 
PdfVariant(true) );

Enabling this line should fix your problem.

Best regards,

Am Dienstag 16 März 2010 schrieb dennis jenkins:
> Hello PoDoFo Community,
>      I am having difficulty understanding why PDF forms created and
> populated with podofo do not work in Adobe Reader as desired.  I wrote
> code to create a one page PDF with one form field and set text on it.
> The text is clearly in the form (when viewed with PoDoFoBrowser 0.5
> (win32)).  Yet when I open the PDF in Adobe Reader (9.2.0, win32), the
> field appears empty.  When I click on the text field my value is
> visible.  When I click off of the field, my value disappears.  (My
> code is below)
>      I'm using the latest podofo from svn (rev 1199, checked out this
> morning), and the PDF 1.3 spec from Adobe's web site [1].  I studied
> the sample code in "podofo/test/FormTest" [2].  I skimmed most of the
> PDF reference manual, and intently read (twice) section 7.6,
> "Interactive Forms".
>     My ultimate goal is to write a routine that will read a third
> party PDF (with a form on it), fill in the fields and save the form.
> At a later time a user would then load the form into and further edit
> it, email it and/or print it.  When I failed to get this to work with
> the desired forms (US / IRS tax form "941" [3]), I created a small app
> to build a custom PDF with a simplified form.  I get the same results
> with both forms.
>     I've viewed both forms inside PoDoFoBrowser.  Some annotation
> elements have different attributes, but they are essentially the same.
>     I have three theories:
> a) It is simply not possible to construct a PDF form with data
> pre-populated using "PdfTextField.SetText()".
> b) I'm doing something wrong.
> c) I need to set some additional attributes or values in the
> annotation element, or its parent object, or in the document object
> itself.
>     At this time I can see only one possible hack:  To read the form
> field's "rects" and create a text overlay in the same position.  This
> is indeed a hack as this will prevent the user from properly editing
> the form at a later time (prior to them printing or otherwise using
> it).
>     Although I am using PoDoFoBrowser and Adobe Reader on win32, I am
> doing my development on Gentoo Linux.  This, hopefully, does not
> matter.
>     I would very much appreciate any suggestions, assistance, etc...
> If it would be helpful, I can post the "stuff" that PoDoFoBrowser
> shows inside the forms.  However, it is fairly easy to download the
> "941" form and view it directly.
>     Thank you for your time.
> [1] http://www.adobe.com/devnet/pdf/pdfs/PDFReference13.pdf
> [2]
>  https://podofo.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/podofo/podofo/trunk/test/FormTe
> st/FormTest.cpp
> [3] http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f941.pdf
> // "main()", "#include" and original error handling omitted for brevity.
> // "HelloWorld" line shamelessly stolen from the PoDoFo online example.
> void     RunPdfTest (const char *filename)
> {
>     PdfStreamedDocument doc (filename);
>     PdfPage *pPage = doc.CreatePage (PdfPage::CreateStandardPageSize
> (ePdfPageSize_Letter));
>     PdfPainter painter;
>     painter.SetPage (pPage);
>     PdfFont *pFont = doc.CreateFont ("Arial");
>     pFont->SetFontSize (18.0);
>     painter.SetFont (pFont);
>     painter.DrawText (56.69, pPage->GetPageSize().GetHeight() - 56.69,
> "Hello World!" );
>     PdfTextField text (pPage, PdfRect (100, 200, 300, 400), &doc);
>     text.SetFieldName ("text-field");
>     text.SetText ("test");
>     text.SetMultiLine (false);
>     painter.FinishPage ();
>     doc.Close();
> }
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