I have two PDFs I'm trying to gather info from using podofopdfinfo and
having a problem on fedora25:

1) # /usr/bin/podofopdfinfo 10912823.pdf
Error: An error 19 ocurred during uncompressing the pdf file.
PoDoFo encounter an error. Error: 19 ePdfError_InvalidDataType
        #0 Error Source:

It says it's not encrypted, but I suspect it is. What causes error 19?
Download from here: https://mega.nz/#!ZzZF0AhI

The second one doesn't produce an error, but also doesn't say it's
encrypted although I suspect it is.

These are both PDFs that I suspect are malicious, although the
location to which the link points has been disabled.
Download from here: https://mega.nz/#!g6QllSaZ

Would someone be able to download these and help me understand what's happening?

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