>        Hi,
> do you really expect everyone on the list to answer to your message
> that he/she doesn't have currently time and/or resources to look on
> your issue? I hope not.
No, I don't expect everyone to answer. But I think it's not too much to ask
for that *at least one* acknowledges it's a problem,
or tells me it's not important enough. Just *any reaction from anyone*!
Especially when there was quite some activity on the mailing list.

Yes, I agree the problem is there.


> No, I do not know how to deal with
> it at the moment. No, I cannot promise whether I'll look on it myself.
No problem.

> Yes, I would like to see this fixed in the next release of PoDoFo too.
That would be great.

> Yes, a simple test .pdf file would help with the reproducer.
I can provide that, luckily one of the pdf files is openly available:

> P.S.: if anyone replied to you during the weekend, then the SourceForge
> site had some outage of the list(s), thus it was not received. I resent
> my weekend messages only today.
I had some troubles, too. My initial mail didn't make it to the mailing
list, it seemed, so I had to resend it again.

Best regards,
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