On Tue, 2018-02-27 at 22:22 +0100, Matthew Brincke wrote:
> Thanks in advance for granting my request.

from my point of view, and I confess I code in C more than in C++ these
days/months/years, I do not care much as long as the code does what it
is supposed to do. Of course, I prefer dynamic_cast when it comes to
inheritance, thus the code can verify that the passed-in object is what
it is supposed to be.

Anyway, definitely do not do any such change just before the release.
That's the worst idea one might have. There are plenty of patches to be
reviewed and, as also Francesco said, more important work to be done
first. You claimed you'll review patches during the last weekend (in
message from Fri, 23 Feb 2018), but I didn't notice anything in this
regard. Maybe stay on the safe side, do not promise things you might
not accomplish for sure. :)

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