On 29/10/2019 13:31, Alistiar wrote:

I was looking at your /.pdf/ search tool (library) that allows data extraction from .pdf documents and I’d like to ask about its features: My intention is to implement your library (APIs) in /C++/, while my requirement is following: to */search/count keyword/s from a multiple .pdf files at the same time as well as counting all words/* (also, I’d like to ask whether it’s possible to make an exception for prepositions, conjunctions in a way that they are not part of the final word count. I suppose this function won’t be available directly in any APIs, so my question would be - whether is it possible to extend the APIs or write my own function/method that would be used to eliminate particular words/sentences or extend PoDoFo APIs functionality in any way)?

In case it's possible to use your library for such operations that are mentioned above. Could you, please, provide me with a slight code example of /C++/ implementation (keyword search and its count) just to help me get a better understanding of your library (APIs) principles of usage.

I am not a maintainer and I haven't used this library too extensively, however I've found the folder tools/ a very good place to start looking.

It seems like that tools/podofotxtextract folder could be a good starting place for you.

/Just to check/: I suppose that the library is fully compatible with Windows 10 and that it should be fully supported (using APIs and such) in/ C++/ as it was written in /C++/ (I’ve read that on your website, but I just want to make sure that I haven’t missed anything)?

Also, is your SW freeware even for a commercial use?

Have a nice day.

Thank You!

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