At 08:37 AM 3/6/01 -0500, Rocco Caputo wrote:
>On Mon, 05 Mar 2001 19:31:31 -0800, Peter Scott wrote:
> >
> >I had been in the process of trying to grok the socketfactory.perl example
> >per Torvald's suggestion.  Is there a need for a
> >POE::Component::Client::TCP on CPAN that would basically be the
> >InetTcpClient package from there?
>If a generic TCP client materializes, I'd like to include it in
>POE's distribution.  Like POE::Component::Server::TCP, it would
>be widely useful.

Okay, I will make it a goal to understand this well enough to create such a 
thing.  If anyone else was planning on doing it, though, please go ahead, 
don't wait on me :-)

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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