I notice Filter::HTTPD uses the exported function, url(), from URI::URL.  
Well, the version of HTTP::Request isn't happy with it anymore, probably 
because I upgraded my libwww-perl.

This fix seems to work, at least with full URLs.  I haven't tested anything 
weird with it yet (line 124 latest POE CVS of Filter::HTTPD.pm):

  use URI();
  my $r = HTTP::Request->new($1, URI->new($2));

Before, it would barf with this (from HTTP:::Request):

"Carp::croak("Can't use a " . ref($uri) . " object as a URI")
unless $uri->can('scheme');"

I guess URI::URL doesn't support 'scheme'.  The docs don't mention anything 
about the source has no reference to it.  URI() has 'scheme', though.

Actually, the docs for URI::URL seem to indicate indirectly that usage of it 
is becoming depreciated in favor of URI():

"This module is provided for backwards compatibility with
modules that depend on the interface provided by the
"URI::URL" class that used to be distributed with the lib-
www-perl library."

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