
thank you very much for your reply. Unfortunately, it's now working due to
this error:
Bareword "KERNEL" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at try.pm line 31.
Compilation failed in require at ./script.pl line 8.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./script.pl line 8.
POE::Kernel's run() method was never called.
Line 8 of script.pl is: "use try;"

this is how the function is called:
------------------from script.pl:-------------------
sub irc::irc_public {
    my ($kernel, $who, $chan, $msg) = @_[KERNEL, ARG0 .. ARG2];
    if ($msg =~ /\@try ?(.+)?/i) {
        if ($1) {
            try->try($kernel, $1, $who);
If you need any other information, please tell me, cause I'm dying to get it
fixed :)

again, thanks for your reply

Erick Calder wrote:
> Bart,
> the session you are creating needs an alias set to "try" since you're
> telling the ftp client to use "try" to send its events...
> you can do it like this:
> sub start {
> $_[KERNEL]->alias_set("try");
> print "*** test\n";
> }
> dngnand was going to add an arg to the session create function so you
> name it at creation time... but I don't know if that's released yet.
> - e
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 3:04 AM
> Subject: POE::Component::Client::FTP problem
> Hi
> I'm trying to run Poco::Client::FTP in a self-made module file, but
> it's going wrong.
> I execute the function "try::try($kernel, $1, $who);" somewhere in the
> ..pl file. The try function searches for $adname ($1) in the database, and
> it can find it, it logs into the ftp with the host/ip user/pass for that
> ftp. Everything is going fine, POE connects to the server, executes the
> start function as it should ("*** test" gets printed) and logs in. Then,
> should execute the inline authenticated() function, but it doesn't. I have
> absolutely no idea why this is. The other 2 functions won't get executed
> either, when they should.
> Does anyone have an idea of what's going wrong ?
> Thanks
> Bart
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> sub POE::Component::Client::FTP::DEBUG () { 1 };
> use POE qw (Session Component::Client::FTP);
> package try;
> return 1;
> sub login_error {
> print "*** no login\n";
> }
> sub authenticated {
> print "*** yes\n";
> }
> sub connect_error {
> print "*** no connection\n";
> }
> sub start {
> print "*** test\n";
> }
> sub try {
> my ($kernel, $adname, $who) = @_;
> my $number = -1;
> my $counter = 0;
> my $ftp = main::getAdByName($adname);
> while ($number < 0) {
> if (!$main::leeches[$counter]) {
> $number = $counter;
> }
> $counter ++;
> }
> POE::Component::Client::FTP->spawn(
> Alias => "try",
> Username => $main::database[$ftp][4],
> Password => $main::database[$ftp][5],
> RemoteAddr => $main::database[$ftp][2],
> RemotePort => $main::database[$ftp][3],
> Timeout => 5,
> Events => [qw (authenticated login_error connect_error
> cmd_connected) ]
> );
> POE::Session->create(
> inline_states => {
> authenticated => sub { print "test"; }, #DOES NOT
> _start => \&start, #>>> GETS EXECUTED <<<
> login_error => \&login_error, #DOES NOT GET EXECUTED
> cmd_connected => sub { print "CONNECTED
> !!!!!!!!\n"; }, #DOES NOT GET EXECUTED
> connect_error => \&connect_error, #DOES NOT GET
> }
> );
> }

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