On Fri, Oct 25, 2002 at 10:29:14AM -0700, Muranyi, Arpad wrote:
> I tried another thing from home last night (since part of the
> problem was that I am behind a firewall at work).  I uninstalled
> everything, even PERL itself, and started from scratch.  First
> I put back PERL, and then I did exactly what the poe
> installation web page says.
> C:\> ppm install http://osdn.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/poe/POE.ppd
> Most of it seemed to work, but I was getting "Failed" messages
> for version problems, or similar (didn't record them all).
> The end result was that I got some .packlist files (for some of
> the optional items) which were normal, but the POE .packlist file
> was still zero bytes (empty) because some of the required items
> failed.

The failed items should be installed automatically if ppm3 can find
its way around your firewall.  Otherwise you will need to install
Filter and Time::HiRes before POE.

> Could the owners of the POE installation try this and make sure
> that if something else is required other than a fresh install of
> PERL that it would be listed in the instructions?
> This is getting very frustrating...

I tried ppm3 on a handy Windows machine while preparing POE 0.2302 for
release.  I was able to reproduce the problem locally, but I have no
idea as to its cause.  I have submitted the problem to ActiveState,
and I will post an update to the mailing list when I know more.

In the meantime, you can watchthe problem in ActiveState's bug
tracker: http://bugs.activestate.com/show_bug.cgi?id=21513

This is what the install attempt looked like:

  C:\rocco>ppm3 install \
  Install 'POE' version 0.2302 in ActivePerl
  Downloaded 315769 bytes.
  Extracting package. This may take a few seconds.
  Extracting 141/141: POE-0.2302/NEEDS
  Writing C:\bin\perl\site\lib\auto\POE\.packlist

  C:\rocco>perl -MPOE -e "print $POE::VERSION"
  Can't locate POE.pm in @INC (@INC contains: C:/BIN/perl/lib \
    C:/BIN/perl/site/lib .).
  BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.

  C:\rocco>dir C:\bin\perl\site\lib\auto\POE

   Volume in drive C is HP_PAVILION
   Volume Serial Number is 2565-1009
   Directory of C:\BIN\perl\site\lib\auto\POE

  .              <DIR>        06-12-02  8:26a .
  ..             <DIR>        06-12-02  8:26a ..
  PACKLI~1                 0  10-25-02  9:39p .packlist
           1 file(s)              0 bytes
           2 dir(s)       48,255.09 MB free


-- Rocco Caputo / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / poe.perl.org / poe.sf.net

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