Chagnes since 0.13 :

0.14pre3 18 Oct 2002
    - Uses sig_handled() where appropriate

0.14pre2 16 Oct 2002
    - Now uses *Event rather then *State

0.14pre1 2 may 2002
    - inform_monitor is now an event
    - IKC::Proxy post()s to inform_monitor in _start
    - IKC::Proxy call()s inform_monitor in _stop
    - Merged up alias listing in publish/retract

0.1303 26 Oct 2001
    - IKC::Responder->spawn returns true on success
    - IKC::Responder->spawn documented
    - Checking to make sure a publishing session has an alias.  if not,
use ID
    - First babysitting happens at startup, doesn't wait
    - check_kernel brought in line w/ new kernel internals

0.1302 6 Sept 2001
    - Meaningless version change

0.1301 24 July 2001
    - unix domain paths in kernel names now have / and \ turned into _
    - Local kernel gets many names
    - Make sure sockets are open before syswrite during neg phase of 
        ClientLite, allowing better error handling
    - IKC::Responder::spawn now checks that only one responder exists
    - alias_list is only supported after 0.15
    - Added win32 support (WSAEAFNOSUPPORT)
    - IKC::Responder has better state dumping
    - Better specifier matching
    - Added test for ClientLite

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