I finally have the time and a work related need to look at POE again. -Though I'm doing so with half an eye toward a presentation for our local perl mongers group.
I figured I'd start by whipping up a simple echo server via POE::Component::Server::TCP and client via POE::Component::Client::TCP. Then start peeling back the layers to see and document how it all works. My echo server appears to work fine. At least when I change the port to 23 and connect to it using the standard MS Windows Telnet client. The echo client however fails to connect. It errs out with the message: Client 2 got connect error 10022 (Unknown error) Which according to the POE ML archives, might have something to do less than optimal support for non-blocking io with Win32 Sockets: http://www.mail-archive.com/cgi-bin/htsearch?method=and&format=short&config= poe_perl_org&restrict=&exclude=&words=10022 I am using WinNT 4.0 sp6a, ActiveState Perl 5.6.1 build 633, and POE 0.2302. I can see from ActiveStates changelog (http://aspn.activestate.com//ASPN/Perl/Products/ActivePerl/Changes.html#bui ld%20633%20monday,%20june%2017,%202002) that non-blocking io has been fixed for waitpid... but the 2 activestate bugs (http://www.mail-archive.com/poe@;perl.org/msg00511.html) do not appear to be closed. Any suggestions on how to work around this? Or what I'm doing wrong? The code from my echo server and client follows. # Echo Server use strict; use warnings; use POE qw(Component::Server::TCP); use constant PORT => 12321; POE::Component::Server::TCP->new( Alias => 'echo_server', Port => PORT, ClientConnected => sub { print "CONNECT: [$_[HEAP]->{remote_ip}]\n"; $_[HEAP]->{client}->put("Hello $_[HEAP]->{remote_ip}"); }, ClientInput => sub { print "[$_[HEAP]->{remote_ip}]: $_[ARG0]\n"; $_[HEAP]->{client}->put($_[ARG0]); }, ClientDisconnected => sub { print "DISCONNECT: [$_[HEAP]->{remote_ip}]\n"; }, ); $poe_kernel->run(); exit 0; 1; __END__ # Echo Client use strict; use warnings; use POE qw(Component::Client::TCP); use constant PORT => 12321; use constant ADDR => ''; POE::Component::Client::TCP->new( RemoteAddress => ADDR, RemotePort => PORT, ServerInput => sub { print "client received: $_[ARG0]\n"; }, Connected => sub { $_[HEAP]->{server}->put('hello world'); $_[KERNEL]->yield('shutdown'); }, ); $poe_kernel->run(); exit 0; 1; __END__ -- Garrett Goebel IS Development Specialist ScriptPro Direct: 913.403.5261 5828 Reeds Road Main: 913.384.1008 Mission, KS 66202 Fax: 913.384.2180 www.scriptpro.com [EMAIL PROTECTED]