On Fri, Jun 13, 2003 at 06:40:07PM +0200, Bruno Boettcher wrote:
> »·······   #program => &runshell,
  ok.. silly me.... found out myself that i was lacking a \ ....

  hmmm so far so good...
  but now the progeam issues a prompt, and blocks irremediably after the
  first char typed in.....

  besides the POE::Wheel::ReadLine syntax is quite strange...

  there's a $heap->{wheel} = POE::Wheel::ReadLine->new( InputEvent =>
      got_input );

  no package name, no object name..... i am unsure if this will call the
  correct method...

  later on in the manpage is defined:
  sub got_input_handler

  different name.... but as it seems that's what it expected?
  i did the same thing... in one method i instantiated the shell object,
  and my object possesses the got_input_handler method....

  at least there's no error message at compile time...

  but due to the readline the output to the console is strange, seems as
  if the carriage return codes are swallowed some where elaving a
  staircase effect to the prints....

  anyway, how do i debug this now that it comes to a grinding halt? no
  error messages nothing... i have no idea where it blocks now... :(

ciao bboett

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