  sorry bothering so much and beeing too dumb as it seems....

  just to test (and maybe that would be a better code snippet (once
        commented..) for the man page script is at the bottom of this

set up the smallest possible sample program that uses readline...

but here too, as soon as i run it, it blocks on the first char i type...
  so seems i missed something somewhere....

this example is surely easier to parse than the other stuff...

--------------------- cut here  readLine.pl ----------------------

use warnings;
use strict;

use POE;
use POE::Filter::Reference;
use POE::Wheel::ReadLine;

      #Alias => "leveShell",
      inline_states =>
      {  _start => \&_start,
      _stop  => \&_stop,
      got_input  => \&got_input_handler,

# Input handler.  If $input is defined, then it contains a line of
# input.  Otherwise $exception contains a word describing some kind
# of user exception.  Currently these are 'interrupt' and 'cancel'.
sub got_input_handler {
  my ($heap, $input, $exception) = @_[HEAP, ARG0, ARG1];
  if (defined $input) {
    $heap->{wheel}->put("\tGot: $input");
    $heap->{wheel}->get('Prompt: '); # get another line
  else {
    $heap->{wheel}->put("\tException: $exception");


=item start of the poe session


sub _start 
  my ($this, $kernel, $heap, $dsn, $queries,$session) = @_[OBJECT, KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0, 
# Create the wheel.
  $heap->{wheel} = POE::Wheel::ReadLine->new( InputEvent => "got_input" );

# Trigger the wheel to read a line of input.
  $heap->{wheel}->get( 'Prompt: ' );

}#sub _start

=item stop of the poe session


sub _stop 
  my ($this, $kernel, $heap) = @_[OBJECT, KERNEL, HEAP];
# Clear the terminal.
}#sub _stop 
--------------------- cut here  ------------------------------------------

ciao bboett

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