New to POE, so please be gentle. 

Using Tk and POE to write a client.  Have read that there are some issues
with Tk, POE and ActiveStates Perl on Win32; however, I think my problems
are more basic.  I am using the TkClient example from the Cookbook as the
basis of my Tk interface.  

I have been able to successfully connect to a server, display status
messages in the Tk windows and receive input from the server.  I cannot send
info to the server.  Would like to tie the 'Request Update' button to the
'send' event.  How do I do this?

POE = v0.27
OS=Windows 2000
ActiveStates Perl =  v 5.8.0 Build 806

--- -----
use warnings;
use strict;
use Tk;
use POE;
use POE::Filter::Stream;
use POE::Component::Client::TCP;

local $| = 1;
my $svr = "localhost";      # Server's ip address
my $port = "32080";         # Server's port which app is running on.
my $status = "Starting point...";

# Create the session that will drive the user interface.

  ( inline_states =>
      { _start => \&ui_start,
        ct_start => sub {
                  ( Alais => 'web',
                    RemoteAddress  => $svr,
                    RemotePort     => $port,
                    Connected      => \&handle_connect,
                    ConnectError   => \&handle_connect_error,
                    Disconnected   => \&handle_disconnect,
                    ServerInput    => \&handle_server_input,
                    ServerError    => \&handle_server_error,
                    ServerFlushed  => \&handle_server_flush,
                    send => \&handle_send,
                  ); $status = "Connected";     },
                  cv_send => \&handle_send,        #  This doesnt work, but
when I push the "request update" button I come here.


# Run the program until it is exited.


sub ui_start {
    my ( $kernel, $session, $heap ) = @_[ KERNEL, SESSION, HEAP ];

    $poe_main_window->Label( -text => "Counter" )->pack;

    $heap->{counter_widget} =
      $poe_main_window->Label( -textvariable => \$status )->pack;

      ( -text => "Connect",
        -command => $session->postback("ct_start")
      ( -text => "Request Update",
        -command => $session->postback("cv_send")                       #
subst 'send' for 'cv_send' doesnt work
      ( -text => "Disconnect",
        -command => $session->postback("Disconnect")
      $status="Press Connect Button";

sub handle_start {
    my @args = @_[ARG0..$#_];

sub handle_connect {
     $status = "2Connected";
sub handle_send {
   my ($kernel, $heap,$input_record) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0];
   chomp $input_record;
   print   "Server send $input_record\n";
   $_[HEAP]->{server}->put("$input_record\n") ;   #  <<<<<< This doesnt work

sub handle_connect_error {
    my ( $kernel, $heap, $syscall_name, $error_number, $error_string) =
    $status  = "I had problems.\n$syscall_name\n

sub handle_disconnect {
  my ($kernel, $heap  ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP ];
  $status  = "Disconnect me.";
sub handle_server_input {
   my ($kernel, $heap,$input_record) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP, ARG0];
   chomp $input_record;
   $status = "Server input:$input_record";
   #print   "Server input >$input_record<\n";
   #$_[HEAP]->{server}->put("1") if ($input_record ne "Update requested");

sub handle_server_error {
   my ($syscall_name, $error_number, $error_string) = @_[ARG0, ARG1, ARG2];
   $status = "I had an error:\n$syscall_name\n

sub handle_server_flush {
   # no special parameters
   $status= "Time to flush\n";

Thank you,

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