On Fri, Feb 06, 2004 at 09:38:24PM -0500, sungo wrote:
> We of the mysterious irc have been pondering a 1.0 release of poe for a
> while. Its good for marketing if nothing else. There's even a wiki page
> (http://poe.perl.org/?V1.0-todos) documenting our thoughts on
> requirements.
> Well, we have some exception support. Scheduled deprecations have mostly
> been carried out. Signal reform is done. Threads are in sky's capable
> hands and poed hasn't seen a patch for about a year now.

Signal reform is not quite done.  We're still dispatching _signal,
albeit with great reluctance.


While poed seems dead, the need for better documentation is still real.

> So, i say its time for a 1.0 release of POE. the api hasn't
> substantially changed in a good long while and there are no real user
> impacting overhauls scheduled.

To me, a 1.0 release implies a certain measure of spit and polish that
the documentation (and perhaps the installer) lack.

Perhaps addressing these things is worth a 1/10 or greater jump in the
version number.

This conflicts with the forking of 0.xx with 1.xx.  We don't leave much
room for the 0 series if we chew it up with large revision jumps.

> This gives us a chance to do something else we've been bantering about
> for a while. Drop support for any perl versions earlier than 5.6.1.
> Before I discuss reasons for dropping that support, I want to detail
> version numbers.  1.0+ would carry on, not worrying about supporting
> earlier perls.  0.x would be branched in cvs such that 0.x releases can
> continue if some intrepid soul wishes to become the maintainer of POE
> for pre5.6.1 versions of POE.

Maybe the backward-looking version can be 1.00 and the forward-looking
release 2.00.  Then we can chew up the 0 series with reasonable large
updates and still leave the pre-5.6.1 maintainer significant room to

> There is a lot of code that can be improved inside of POE if we only
> support perl 5.6.1 and above.  All POE::Preprocessor usage can go away.
> Unicode support can be firmed up. Test::More can be assumed. There will
> be no more need for two makefiles and diverging build processes. There
> are other things that i'm forgetting but that's the gist.

We can also use newer, more efficient Perl idioms.  I'm sure we can
squeeze a few CPU percent out of the overhaul.

> So, there are my  thoughts. I would like comments, thoughts,
> suggestions, etc etc. Silence is assumed assent. So speak up if you have
> objections, concerns, etc.

What will the neighbors think?!

Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://poe.perl.org/

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