On Mon, Feb 09, 2004 at 06:02:27PM -0800, Scott wrote:
>   There was a problem with this patch, which unlikely got noticed due 
> to the fact that it would not have caused an error until you used the 
> ReadWrite wheel with a depricated filter object.  The test suite does 
> not check this behavior, so all tests and all code I ran through passed, 
> but never the less there would have been a problem given the right 
> circumstances.
>   Attached is a patch for the readwrite wheel (post applying the 
> patches previously sent to the mailing list) and a fixed wheel's patch, 
> incase you haven't yet applied these patches.  Any further feedback 
> would be apprecicated.

I'm withholding comment until the list at large has had a chance to
speak.  It was suggested to me that as Grand Poebah my opinion might
carry extra weight.  Giving it too eagerly might therefore squelch other
opinions, and I agree that would be bad.

In IRC I asked you to post your patch here for a couple reasons.

First, the list is archived.  Your patches are now saved and browsable
by everyone... FOREVER!  MUAH HA HA HA HA!  The same goes for any design
discussion and decisions that arise from it.

Second, IRC people are generally more accepting of mailing lists than
list-centric people are of IRC.  You should therefore have a larger
audience here, consisting of both list- and IRC-centric people.  That
should lead to more and better feedback.

That's the theory, anyway.  I think it's too early to tell if it works.
You posted your patch on a weekend, and weekends don't seem to count for
much in mailing list time.

Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://poe.perl.org/

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