On Tue, Feb 10, 2004 at 04:23:44PM -0800, Scott wrote:
> However, I just want to know if anyone applied the patch, had problems
> applying the patch or running the tests afterwards, or any such thing.
> I think a $_[SESSION]->call() is a great idea for a number of reasons,
> offers an interface to high level event routing for component writers should
> they want to do so, offers an optimization for the wheel implementations
> (Although the wheel things have been argued to suck for a variety of 
> reasons,
> no reason to not make them faster), and a yield-like convienent 
> intra-session
> interface for call ($_[SESSION]->call(state => @args) - obviously).
> But again, I'm just really itching to know if anyone had any luck with these
> patches...c'mon I'm looking for feedback here people.!

I looked in the patch, but I haven't installed it or anything.  I'm
still waiting for people to get involved with design discussion on the

I'm glad you don't support inter-session calling.  You really can't do
that without at least setting POE::Kernel's notion of the active
session.  Otherwise a callee's alarms (and other resources) will be
associated with the caller session.  That's obviously wrong.

Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://poe.perl.org/

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