On Thu, 2004-02-19 at 17:52, Rocco Caputo wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 19, 2004 at 10:02:55AM -0800, Scott wrote:
> > 
> > Anyway, I very much realize the naming isn't entirely up to me but 
> > personally I would prefer a short, single word name that denotes the 
> > activity of the method as opposed to something that doesn't seem proper 
> > in the context of the kernel, simply inherited from some programming 
> > language I've never used.  But thats just my personal preference.
> I suggested $kernel->do("event") on IRC.  While Scott (hi, you) didn't
> like it, it's a viable option.
> Possibilities for call-on-current-ssesion:
>   $kernel->invoke("event");   # ambiguous, Scott's favorite
>   $kernel->do("event");       # ambiguous, shorter than call, but Perl
>   $kernel->gosub("event");    # more specific, comes from BASIC, silly
>   $kernel->call_me("event");  # specific, ugly
>   $kernel->me_call("event");  # specific, ugly, follows noun_verb naming

I like $kernel->invoke(), because by virtue of being a different name
than $kernel->call() is means something different. And you can look
up the meaning in perldoc POE::Kernel.

Otherwise, I'd suggest something like $kernel->local_call(). "local"
referring to the session.

But, $kernel->do() is evil, cuz "do" is a builtin and things get
confusing in editors programs and human brains. :)


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