On Sat, Feb 21, 2004 at 07:44:28AM -0800, Exide Arabellan wrote:
> Im working on a module that utilizes POE::Component::Server::TCP. Being 
> the neat freak that i am, im inclined to name the module 
> POE::Component::Server::TCP::MUD, though it seems rather cumbersome. 
> I've seen other modules (such as IRC::Bot) that take the last module and 
> use it as the begining of theirs. However when doing a CPAN search, 
> having the full title is helpful for a first glance appraisal of how its 
> written.
> Is this something people just do however they see fit, or is there a 
> standard/movement to have it one way or the other?

POE::Component::IRC was published before general naming conventions
were formed.  The conventions remain malleable to this day, but
there's a little method to the madness.

If your module implements a specific kind of MUD, possibly with a lot
of modules, I'd suggest naming it Net::MUD::Arabellan (or whatever the
name of your MUD is).

If it's a generic module for providing front-end TCP services to a
back-end MUD engine, I'd suggest POE::Server::MUD.  MUD servers tend
to be TCP things by default, so specifying it in the package name
seems redundant.

> Disclaimer: I apologize if this has been covered, in the case that it 
> has please point me to the post. I tried to scan for it, but didn't come 
> up with anything.

No problem.  Don't let the heavy development discussion scare you off.
If it starts to get unbearable, we can always start another list.

Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://poe.perl.org/

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